Friday, August 6, 2010

It's a Good Thing

That's Martha's motto, no?  I don't know even know.  It's something stupid like that. 

I remember the first time I saw Martha crafting on the television.  It was Thanksgiving and she was, of course, doing holiday-related crafts.  In fact, she was going all out and dipping a dried turkey carcass into gold paint and then proceeded to recommend using it as your Thanksgiving centerpiece.  It was atrocious, disturbing, and downright ugly.  Awful.  I think that was the last time I ever tuned in.

Then, one day, my best friend made a comment in passing that I was 'Martha Stewart-y'.  The gold turkey flashed in front of my eyes and I shuddered at the thought of ever producing something so foul.  But when my stomach settled, I decided to explore why she'd thought that.  I started looking at her magazines and her website, and I discovered she had a whole lot of good things.  What the hell was with that turkey?!?  Sure, some of her ideas are a little out there, but there are great deal of things that are just so darn handy.  And I think she influenced me to be a more crafty person myself.

Now, while away in Taiwan, I started taking a stab at things I wouldn't necessarily have done here in Canada.  Card-making was one of those things.  I guess my interest in making cards (and the inevitable paper addiction that seems to accompany card-making) kind of started while creating decorations for my kindergarten classrooms.  Not to mention, the Taiwanese have this incredible knack for making the cutest things out paper.  So I took myself to a stationary store, bought some supplies and tools, and started to experiment.  It turned out, I loved the creative process of imagining up the perfect card for that special occasion.

There are countless companies that supply card-makers with paper, stamps, punches, stickers, ribbons, adhesives, machines, tools... you name it, they have it.  And Martha Stewart herself has one hell of an impressive stock of card-making ideas, techniques, tools, templates... the list goes on and on.  I could spend countless hours and gobs of money in the Martha Stewart aisle of Michael's and be a very happy woman.  It's a bit of a sickness, I think... the joy I get from new craft supplies.  But as it turns out, making cards makes me happy and that's not so bad.

Some of the first cards I tried my hands at....

I started to realize quickly that it wasn't important if the card looked professional, but rather more valuable if they didn't look like store-bought cards.  And quite frankly, they're nifty that way.

This card was particularly easy and yet turned out to be quite lovely, I think.

It may not sing when you open it, but it's way cooler!

I particularly like this card... I don't know why.  It's just cute.

Easier than you think ;)

I'm under no delusions that my cards are superior to what you might find at Hallmark, but they certainly have more heart.  Heck, maybe someday I might have a little custom-made card shop of my own ;)  Perhaps my friend was right.... maybe I am 'Martha Stewart-y.'  I'm starting to think that's a good thing!


  1. Hi Lei, it's nice to see that you started this blog. I see you linked to my blog as well. Cool. Just wanted to say that today was my last day at work and tomorrow we have the graduation show and on Monday we will be leaving Taiwan. Before going to bed I checked my set of good clothes that I am supposed to be wearing tomorrow. Argh! Moldy! I hate that. So now I am washing them. I'm so tired. But seeing as how I have no other good clothes left that haven't been posted, I guess I have no choice but to wait for the wash cycle to finish and then hang them up in front of the fan. *Sigh*

  2. Hey Ado! Well yes, I've started this blog upon your advice and I am just loving it. I'm having lots of fun sharing the things that I love and are piquing my interest on any given day.

    I am thinking of you as you say your farewells and start your new adventure. I hope it is all going smoothly.

    I'm dying to hear how the graduation show went; I'm sure it was fabulous!

    Looking forward to reading more of your adventures, but this time in Australia, on your blog! Sending love ;)
